Do you enjoy taboo sex between beautiful women and monstrous creatures? This November is going to be kind to you, then!
I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year with a series of 5 erotic fantasy shorts, each ~10k words long. They're shaping up nicely so far - I think you'll enjoy these!
Teasers and new releases are upcoming, so stay tuned! For the moment I just have some thoughts on NaNoWriMo for you all.
I've heard arguments for and against NaNoWriMo from all sides, but personally I think it's valuable - not just for new writers but for established ones. I'm not sure if I really count as an established writer, mind you, but I'm doing this for a living so I suppose I get a say!
I find it really encouraging to know that I'm not alone. November doesn't have to be for novel-writing, people have used it for finishing novels, or editing them, or working on all sorts of other creative endeavors... but the important thing is that it's a set time period that you can plan for, and you know there are plenty of other people working at it too. Peer pressure is useful like that.
When I write normally, if I sit down to write for the day and I end up with 1000, 2000 or 3000 words - hey, it was a good day. If I write 500 - well, not so hot, but who cares? In November I'm either ahead of or behind my quota, and I've got graphs and comparisons to other people to spur me on.
I think what it comes down to is whether or not you really need other people to compare yourself to in order to stay motivated. It's useful for me, so I really appreciate NaNoWriMo.
Will it work for you? Well, unless you try it you'll never find out...